ODWIRAMAN [oh-jee'-rah mah'-een] is defined in the language of ancient Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt) as the pure, purified (dwira) nation (man) in the west (man) - the land of the setting Sun. AFAHYE [ah-fah'-sheh] is defined as festival, cultural, communal or ritual observance.
Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu, the Akwamu Nation in North America, welcomes the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) community to our ninth annual ODWIRAMAN AFAHYE - Purified Nation of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the Western Hemisphere Conference-Festival wherein our focus is AMANNE - Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) Nationism - Purification of Nationalism.
Our conference will take place on September 22, 13025 (2024) at 9pm est. This year we will have a special conference on the zoom platform.
Video of presentations from last two years' conference
Conferees learn about the nature and operational value of Nationism as the expression of our work to reclaim our independence as a self-governing Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) nation on our own territory, secure in the defense of our sovereignty. Conferees at our regular annual conference in Washington, DC also shop with our EGUA - Marketplace vendors, embracing our Ancestral Nationist heritage through ritual, art, food, handmade products, literature and presentations.
ODWIRAMAN AFAHYE is the only conference of its kind reestablishing an authentic, Ancestrally inherited AMANNE - Nationism as the purification of Nationalism.
Download the pdf version of our article defining Odwiraman. This article is taken from our ODWIRAMAN page: Odwiraman Apue
Click on the three images/book covers below to download the e-book versions of our three books ODWIRAMAN AFAHYE NHOMA published and given out at our first three conferences in 13017, 13018 and 13019 (2017, 2018 and 2019):
See our flyer and registration information below. Click on any of the images to download the pdf version:
Video of Conference Presentation from previous year's conference - July 10, 13021(2021)
AMANEE NE NDU: Nationism and Medicine
Ancestral Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccines
(Click on image below to download the full document on our Ancestral Religious exemption for vaccinations)
Video of Conference Presentation from previous year's conference - June 21, 13020 (2020)
See our broadcast AMANSEM: Affairs of the Nation wherein we examine the philosophical foundation of ODWIRAMAN AFAHYE and AMANNE: Nationism - The Purification of Nationalism rooted in our Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religion and Culture:
See the related videos of our blogtalkradio broadcasts of our 7-part series on the nature of ODWIRAMAN. See our event flyer and the link to our ODWIRAMAN AFAHYE - Nhoma (Journal) which was given out to all conferees for free:
Registration for our conference is required. Registration is free and open to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) only.
Our books on ODWIRAMAN are available for free download. Our books examine the philosophy of AMANNE - Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) Nationism and our approach to Amansesew - Nationbuilding/Restoration rooted in our Ancestral Religious values. Download the e-book version of these books and all of our 31 books from our NHOMA - Publications page.
See the videos of previous year's conference presentations below: